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Remote for Soyo tv model# MT-SYGWT2697 NB and Proscan 32LA25Q
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Post 1 made on Tuesday December 15, 2009 at 18:11
Lurking Member
December 2009
I have 5.3 IR remote, could some one guide me program this remote to work with my Soyo 26" tv or Proscan 32" . OR suggest me which remote would work with either/both of those TVs.
Post 2 made on Wednesday December 16, 2009 at 00:32
Select Member
August 2009
No guaranty, but ....
Using the RCA RCRP05B ($20 at Best Buy):

Over at, there are 2 files for Proscan TVs.
The 42LA45H (similar model number to yours) controlled with setup code 2183 (NEC1 device 4)
32LB30Q by 2256 (NEC1 device 160)

For Soyo, there are 4 files
MT-SYTPT3727ABMS and ACL32 // PRTPT3208NB by 1826 (NEC1 device 9)
DYLTO32A by 1546 or 1765 (NEC1 device 3.172)
MT-SYKIT32E1AB (no code, keymoves would be required) (NEC1 , device 128)

None of these are an exact match for your TVs, but I suppose that the odds are pretty good that the RCRP05B would work for both.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 15:56
Lurking Member
December 2009
Thanks for the help. I bought RCA RCRP05B remote, it worked for Proscan using 2256 code but no success with Soyo as I tried 1826, 1546 and 1765. Is there any other way to resolve this issue?
Post 4 made on Thursday December 24, 2009 at 17:21
Select Member
August 2009
First, if you have the old remote, you can learn all the buttons.

Assuming you don't have a working remote, let's try testing the NEC1, device 128 possibility.

This is just a test; if it works, I'll tell you how to assign these code permanently.

Temporarily assign setup code 0705 or 0674 to either the DVD or DVR device key. Or, if it is more convenient, assign 1561 to the Audio key. You only need to try one setup code; I've listed more than one way to do it in case you already have setup codes assigned to some of the non-TV device keys.

Make sure you have pressed the device key that has one of the above setup codes assigned to it. Then, while pointing the remote at the Soyo, press Setup briefly, then a 5 digit code. For example, if the test works, power will correspond to 00191.

Vol+ 00254
Vol- 00252
mute 00195
Ch- 00000
ch+ 00001

So, for example, assign 0674 to the DVR button.
Turn on the TV
Press DVR
Press Setup
Point the remote at the Soyo
Enter 00254

The volume should go up, if your TV is similar to the SYKIT32E1AB model.

Oh, and if you have done a 992 style device key re-assignment on the DVD/DVR/Audio keys, either use a different device key for the test or revert the assignment back to original.
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 22:10
Lurking Member
December 2009
thanks for detailed reply but I don't understand the test of trying NEC1, device 128 possibility. Please try to instruct me in layman language.

Nonetheless, using the RCA RCRP05B remote, I pressed the device key (audio) first then press and hold set up key until the device key blinked twice, then entered the code 1561. the next step which is
" while pointing the remote at the Soyo, press Setup briefly, then a 5 digit code."
I could not understand this step correctly. what is 5 digit code? Please expand on the procedure. thx
Post 6 made on Sunday January 3, 2010 at 22:33
Select Member
August 2009
Well, the 5 digit codes listed above.

Turn on the TV and Press Audio.
1) Press Setup
2) Point the remote at the Soyo
3) Enter 00191
When you enter the last digit, the TV should turn off (we hope)

Replace 00191 in the above procedure with
00254 which should give Vol+ when you press the 5th digit (4)
00252 Vol-
00195 mute
00000 Ch-
00001 ch+

If this works, I'll provide a full list of 5 digit number and a way to assign them to buttons.
OP | Post 7 made on Wednesday January 6, 2010 at 21:40
Lurking Member
December 2009
Last time, although I was not sure about 5 digit, however, out of my curiosity I followed the same steps you described but they didnot work. Today, I tried again and again but no difference, the tv did not turn off!

Let me know what else can be tried. Thanks for your consistent guidance.
Post 8 made on Friday April 16, 2010 at 17:23
Lurking Member
April 2010
hey there, i recently got a Proscan 32la25q, and im having a hard time locating a remote. i read that uv found one, lol. im in Ontario cANADA. can u possible tell me where you purchase remote, thanks
Post 9 made on Friday April 16, 2010 at 23:32
Select Member
August 2009
There are three remotes that carry setup code TV 2256.
I mentioned the RCA RCRP05B above. Retail stores include Best Buy and Walgreens, but apparently those aren't available in Canada.

The OneForAll URC-8820N and 10820N (make sure you don't get a remote with B00 suffix) are available at Sears.

All three are sold on the Internet
Post 10 made on Saturday April 17, 2010 at 09:09
Lurking Member
April 2010
iv check futureshop and best buy online, they both carry rca remote, i will also check sears, thanks...ill get back later...
Post 11 made on Wednesday May 2, 2012 at 08:04
Lurking Member
May 2012
i bought a soyo tv in december 2007. the remote is broken. looks like the spring broke off in the battery case. i bought a UR and it worked for awhile and then died. took it back and got another one but the codes don't work. i have tried 11520 and 11826. any other suggestions???
Tabatha Veinotte
Post 12 made on Thursday March 16, 2023 at 10:01
Junior Member
March 2023
We have a Soyo MT-SYTPT4227AB tv. Our remote no longer works. We bought a GE Pro Universal Remote for 4 devices. The code 4611 and 5101 do not work. We tried the auto search and had no luck. Any ideas?

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