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For RS-232 Hub multiple like switchers?
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Post 1 made on Wednesday May 22, 2019 at 14:37
Lurking Member
May 2019
Hello everyone,,
I am new to the forum and have a very basic understanding of RS-232.

I am looking to control 10 Kramer switcher/scalers VP-443 via RS-232 port.

To make things stupid simple for my client, I am planning to install three mechanical buttons that will switch the 3 necessary inputs on all 10 Kramers at once.
My plan is to go from the mechanical buttons to the three contactors on a Global Cache GC-100-12 device. Output from the GC device via RS-232 to the 10 Kramers.

I have struggled to find a hub of some type that will broadcast my single RS-232 output to all 10 switchers. Any suggestions will be appreciated.


Last edited by Lincon on June 5, 2019 09:45.
Post 2 made on Wednesday May 22, 2019 at 18:53
Super Member
May 2003
RS-232 is a two way, point to point protocol. In that context it makes no sense to “broadcast” to devices in parallel. Each client assumes that it is the only client on the link. In very simple cases, where you will be sending the same command to all clients and you will ignore replies (if any) by not even connecting the send wire from the clients, you could possibly get away with a parallel connection to the client receive terminals.

I don’t recommend attempting this approach.

What kind of controller will you be using? You can’t simply trigger a GC-100 to send an RS-232 command.

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