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Older Vantage Q-link. Help/advice?
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Post 1 made on Monday August 24, 2020 at 11:54
Junior Member
August 2020
Hi all, new here so hope you guys can help.

We're about to buy a house with an older Vantage system, which I'm pretty sure is an older Q-link system. From what I can see it's an RS-232 interface. The owner knows very little about it, some of the programming seems a bit odd, and I'll be trying to figure it out.

Is there a source for the Q-link software? Vantage don't make it available, they just want to drive people into the dealer network who want to sell upgrades. I just want to open blinds and turn lights on right now!

Or is there a way to program it from a simple TTY terminal?

All help appreciated, thanks!
Post 2 made on Monday December 14, 2020 at 23:41
Junior Member
December 2020
I am also in need of the Q-link software for my house. I will pay for it. Email me at bradosia [at] gmail dot com

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