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Temperature Sensor with Contact Closure Output - Recommendations?
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Post 1 made on Friday April 13, 2018 at 14:56
Lurking Member
April 2016
Temperature Sensor with Contact Closure Output?

We have a project that we are trying to activate a rack closet exhaust fan based on temperature.

We are planning to integrate this with a Lutron QS system for monitoring and control purposes. We'll be using the Lutron HQR-15APS-1 15A Plug-in Appliance Module to activate the fan. In speaking to Lutron, they recommend using a 3rd party Temp Sensor/Thermostat with Contact Closure output wired to an existing QSE-IO CC interface to trigger this module at a specified temperature.

We do have Middle Atlantic thermostatically controlled rack fans in the rack, we are just trying to accomplish exhausting the hot air out of the closet without it having to run 24/7.

I've looked around a bit, but thought I'd post here to see if anyone has anything in particular that they've used for this application with success.

Please let me know if you have any recommendations.

Thank you,

Rusty Burke
Horizon Systems & Design

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