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Lutron Sivoia QS + Savant [help me understand the basics]
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Post 1 made on Friday June 23, 2017 at 11:43
burt macklin
Lurking Member
June 2017
Hey I'm trying my best to understand here but this is very new to me.

I am ordering a Lutron Sivoia QS Wired and I want to it to be controlled through Savant.

I called Lutron and they said Savant gives you the required drivers.

From my understanding you connect the Lutron Sivoia QS to the Lutron Integration
Access Point via QS Link and then you connect to the Savant via ethernet or RS232 and install the drivers/program the system via computer/telnet?

Is this correct?

My question is,

-Do I need to get anything else other then the Lutron Integration
Access Point and QS Link for the Lutron to be able to connect to the Savant?

-Does the Lutron Sivoia QS Wired come with the Lutron Integration
Access Point and QS Link or do I have to ask for it?

Last edited by burt macklin on June 23, 2017 11:50.
Post 2 made on Friday December 29, 2017 at 18:11
Long Time Member
February 2017
Altho i haven't used savant before, i would imagine the integration process would be similar to other control systems.
The Lutron QSPS enclosure is likely connected to a Lutron HQP6 Processor via
QS-Link, and the processor is connected via Ethernet to the home network.
Savant should have an IP Driver to talk to the Processor. You would have to create phantom keypads in the Homeworks QS software and use the "Phantom Buttons" to assign your UP,DOWN and STOP commands, once the that is done you are going to need the Lutron Integration File generated from the HomeworksQS software, it wil have all the button map IDs needed that you are going to have to input into the driver for Savant.

Hope this helps
Post 3 made on Friday December 29, 2017 at 18:14
Long Time Member
February 2017
I Dont think luntron still makes the QSE-CI-NWK-E anymore and just uses the HQP6.
Post 4 made on Friday December 29, 2017 at 19:06
Long Time Member
February 2017
Just in case you are dealing with the QSE-CI-NWK-E and not the HQP6


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