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Dimmer for my RTI System
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Post 1 made on Wednesday August 20, 2014 at 17:01
Lurking Member
December 2013
I'm hoping somebody can point me in the right direction here. I have an RTI system consisting of a T2-Cs+ remote, an XP-6 control processor, a ZM-24 Zigbee Tranceiver Module, and two implementations of the RTIPanel app on iOS devices. Currently, I only use the system to control my home theater (indoor and outdoor TVs with separate STBs, multiple shared components like Apple TV, etc., all flowing through my Denon receiver). I purchased everything through a professional installer who did my initial setup, but I have since made several changes myself via Integration Designer, including custom graphics, new macros, etc. I mention all this as a way of illustrating that I'm not a professional dealer or installer, but I know what I'm doing with the hardware and the software and I can tackle additional upgrades myself once I know what's involved.

I'd like to add a light switch to my system so I can control the lights in my media center from the remote and/or RTIPanel app. The lights are currently on a standard dimmer switch. I don't really know where to begin to integrate it into my RTI system. Do I simply need a new Leviton or Lutron switch that can receive Zigbee signals from my transceiver? Or do I need some combination of a switch AND a separate control processor for the switch, which would in turn receive commands from my RTI processor/transceiver? Is it safe to assume this can be a wireless protocol, or will I need a hard connection between my control processor and the new switch? Should I consider getting an IR-ready switch and simply positioning an IR blaster in view of the switch (which is possible with the switch location I currently have, but would be difficult for any future additions of other switches)?

As you can see, I don't really know where to start. Can anybody point me in the right direction? I would greatly appreciate any links to switch options as well as any description of how you might implement this. Thanks!
Post 2 made on Monday September 1, 2014 at 21:12
Active Member
December 2004

Caseta Light switch from Lutron. Very simple and RTI has driver already for it.
No job to small, many to big

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