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New iOS App to control RadioRa2 System
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Post 1 made on Monday December 23, 2013 at 14:17
Lurking Member
December 2013
Home Commander+ is a powerful, yet easy to use app that allows you to control your RadioRa 2 lighting control systems.
It has been built for the best user experience.

- Control lights, keypads, blinds and ceiling fan anywhere in your home.
- Control your temperature on your Lutron HVAC controller.
- Works over LTE and WIFI.
- Advance Off timer system to automatically turn off your light.
- Favorite buttons for quick access of all your most used devices.
- Turn off all lights in your home with a single button click.
- Customizable Eco mode to help you be more energy conscience.
- Passcode lock app protection.
- Customize everything on your device from the icon, name, defaults, etc..
- Fully customizable sorting areas, devices and floor level of devices.
- Floor and On/Off filtering system to easily find and see your devices.
- Automatically finds Main Repeater for easier installation.

Coming Soon Future Features:
- Phantom key full access.
- Security system integration.
- Other HVAC integration such as the Nest.
- Philips Hue integration.

AppStore Link Below

Post 2 made on Thursday October 13, 2016 at 12:24
Long Time Member
October 2016
On December 23, 2013 at 14:17, cxigaming said...
Home Commander+ is a powerful, yet easy to use app that allows you to control your RadioRa 2 lighting control systems.
It has been built for the best user experience.

- Control lights, keypads, blinds and ceiling fan anywhere in your home.
- Control your temperature on your Lutron HVAC controller.
- Works over LTE and WIFI.
- Advance Off timer system to automatically turn off your light.
- Favorite buttons for quick access of all your most used devices.
- Turn off all lights in your home with a single button click.
- Customizable Eco mode to help you be more energy conscience.
- Passcode lock app protection.
- Customize everything on your device from the icon, name, defaults, etc..
- Fully customizable sorting areas, devices and floor level of devices.
- Floor and On/Off filtering system to easily find and see your devices.
- Automatically finds Main Repeater for easier installation.

Coming Soon Future Features:
- Phantom key full access.
- Security system integration.
- Other HVAC integration such as the Nest.
- Philips Hue integration.

AppStore Link Below

I tune says not available? Is it 3rd party? and can include my hunter douglas power rise blinds too?

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