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Disabled. Can't hold a remote but can push a big button.
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 4, 2013 at 14:36
Lurking Member
December 2005
Hi everyone. My wife has cerebral palsy and can't hold a remote, but she can activate a big button on her wheelchair. Her power chair is high tech, she has a bunch of solutions for home control on there, but her manual wheelchair has nothing. I'd like to at least give her access to the CHANNEL UP function on a cable box if she's sitting by herself for a little while. Is there an easy way to make it so her simple button switch can control the CHANNEL UP button on a remote? Is there a remote that's cheap and notoriously easy to hack perhaps? I can hook the wire from her button to something inside. Thanks for any advice.
Post 2 made on Thursday September 5, 2013 at 02:37
Select Member
August 2009
Generally, when a button is pressed on a remote, it simply shorts two PCB traces together.  If you're able to solder, then it would be fairly easy to open the case of a remote, and add two wires which can be run up to the big button on her chair.  Comcast remotes can be bought new on eBay for $6 shipped, and if your cable box is made by Motorola, Scientific Atlanta, or Cisco, the Comcast remote can send the correct signals. has a number of threads on opening the case of remotes made by UEI (like Comcast),  

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