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New LED lights respond from other device remotes
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Post 1 made on Saturday February 25, 2012 at 16:19
Lurking Member
January 2008
I bought this LED lightstrip. It comes with a remote and a controller box.


The controller box responds to other remotes and it is driving me crazy. Every time I push up, down, or right on my Tivo HD remote, the lights come on. I've tried switching the Tivo remote to each of the 9 available address codes, but it doesn't matter. The LED strip controller responds the same way to all 9 of them. also noticed that when I push the DIM button on my IR543 X10 box remote, the LED lights change as well. So the controller is responding to more than just the Tivo remote.

I don't know what to do. I really like the lights, but I'd like to find a way that I can control them, my Tivo, and my IR543 X10 box independently without bleedover.

I believe this is the controller/remote that came with the kit.


I'm stumped. Any ideas?

Last edited by ed3120 on February 25, 2012 16:26.
Post 2 made on Monday February 27, 2012 at 08:05
Super Member
December 2007
Buy better gear? Remember, you get what you pay for.

Anyways, the only fix for you would be to use a device that has IR routing capabilities, like a URC remote RF base station.
"You can't fix stupid."
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 11:30
Lurking Member
January 2008
True. Can anyone recommend another reasonably priced light control that works via IR remote?
Post 4 made on Tuesday February 28, 2012 at 16:47
Super Member
December 2007
Look at Lutron, they are the masters of lighting control.
"You can't fix stupid."
Post 5 made on Tuesday August 28, 2012 at 16:45
Long Time Member
December 2004
Lutron doesn't make anything similar to what the OP has or might be looking for.

The current crop of low-cost dimmer/control modules for LED strips all respond to the NEC remote protocol with specific function numbers (command numbers) for specific commands, however, they completely ignore the NEC Manufacturer code and will respond to any/all of them.

This is going to be problematic for most people because NEC is the most common IR protocol - it has been for well over a decade. Even protocols that offer slight variation on the original NEC,such as TiVo's will still be picked up by these LED controllers.

TRC's recommendation is absolutely the only way around this without obtaining new LED controllers - and as far as I know, every single one currently available (all of them are name-less imports) has the same issue, regardless of where you buy it. You'd pretty much need to replace the firmware on one of the existing devices to get around this.

That said, depending on what kind of controller you have and what you want to do with it, you might be able to replace it with something else entirely, even if that replacement wasn't originally intended to control LEDs at all. If you have a simple single-color light strip then all you need to turn it ON/OFF is the ability to connect and disconnect 12v to it (with a suitable current supply). If you want to dim the LEDs you further need the ability to regulate the 12v - with a digital potentiometer. The ON/OFF is easy to solve with an IR-based power relay to which you'd connect the LED's power transformer, teaching it some other un-duplicated code as a trigger. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps
Post 6 made on Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 00:51
Senior Member
April 2008
i can do a RS232 Version , just check our web site
Pronto still one of the best Wi-Fi Remotes, and [Link:] Axium Control
Post 7 made on Wednesday August 29, 2012 at 12:24
Long Time Member
December 2004
Are you making the LED strips yourself? Because if they're imported from the same places as all the other ones for sale on the net (which it looks like they are) then it looks like you're forgetting to add a decimal point before the last digit in the price. And even then you'd need to divide the result by at least 2 to get to the ballpark everyone else is selling for.

Probably cheaper to go out and get an MX-980 and MSC-400 with all the accessories. - Mira & Manta IR - Remote Control Your Apps

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