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Help a newbie with light control setup
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Post 1 made on Thursday December 8, 2011 at 20:47
richmond remote
Long Time Member
December 2011
I am remodeling my basement, there will be a projector/screen seating area, a bar, and another seating area at the other end of the basement. There are 3 ganged switches that control the lights for the movie and bar areas, there there is a separate switch for the entry area, and a 3 way switch for the other seating area. I would like to be able to have scenes using a URC MX-880. In my limited research thus far I have learned that URC/Lutron RF switches/dimmers can be used with accessory Maestro dimmers. So here are my questions:

1-Do I just need one URC RF dimmer and can the rest be Maestro?

2-If I use Maestro for the others will they also be capable of multiple scenes even though a Maestro on its own is only on/off/single scene?

3-Do the Maestros have to be RF or can they be the IR variety?

4-DO the Maestros have to be in the same "gang" or can they be in other parts of the room?

I appreciate any help on this.


Post 2 made on Thursday December 8, 2011 at 22:12
Super Member
December 2007
You really need to look at hiring a pro, at least as a consultant.
"You can't fix stupid."

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