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Radio Ra2 and RTI
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Post 1 made on Friday December 2, 2011 at 13:12
George Pope
Founding Member
March 2002
Hey guys,

I'm new to lighting control and am getting started with a Radio Ra2 HT job.
I've studied the Lutron videos on the Maestro dimmers. Setting them up with the pico controllers seems pretty simple.
I want to integrate the control functions with an RTI RF remote, but I'm not sure how to translate the control commands into the RTI. There doesn't seem to be any codes available in the RTI or other libraries.
Any ideas?

Post 2 made on Friday December 2, 2011 at 18:34
Total Control Remotes
Super Member
July 2006

Once the RA2 software is configurated, you can generate something called an "integration report'. These reports basically give you the floorplan by which you can code up any RTI system using one way/two way drivers or RS-232. Each area is designated with a ZONE ID. .

Another way you can implement control is to set up "Phantom Buttons" in which you assign a specific task in the software to a funcion, then you can call them up in the RTI software. For example, I can set up a phantom button # that will trim all my lights down 10% from the current levels they are presently set at and call the phantom button "Green". I can create a function on the RTI remote that says "green" and the command is the RS-232 command for that Phantom button. So there are many ways to do cmoplicated things without writing tons of code or routines. With URC you can actually import the .xml file that is generated from RadioRa2 software and then define parameters. A bit more work up front, but effective as well.

Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions related to RadioRa2 and integration.

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