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WS467 not working from a controller or remote, but works locally
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Post 1 made on Wednesday April 21, 2010 at 20:57
Jasonn B
Long Time Member
August 2007
I'm putting WS467's all through my house. 2 of them won't work from my IR543. When I hit ALL LIGHTS ON, all turn on except 2. I don't get it. They work locally when you touch turn the switch on yourself, but that's it.

I even swapped out one that works from the controller, to see if if was a bad switch, but it's not bad. My house was built in 2005, any ideas?
Post 2 made on Thursday April 22, 2010 at 10:55
Active Member
December 2005
You may have noise on the power line, I had the same problem with one of my switches, I traced the problem to a TV in the master bedroom, once I put a noise filter on it everything worked correctly.

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