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Lutron Maestro dimmers and MX-900 Programing
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Post 1 made on Thursday February 11, 2010 at 10:07
Lurking Member
February 2010
I've just moved into my house. It has Lutron Maestro dimmers MRF2-600M-WH installed in the media room and a couple in other locations. I have the Genesis MX-900 remote. I know how to program it, but I cant make it work wiht the Lutron dimmers. The dimmers are RF.

I checked Lutron and the Genesis web site and the state the MX-900 will work with RF Lutron Maestro dimmers.

Has anyone had expeirence on how to make this work? If so, how is it done.

Thanks for the help, Joe
Post 2 made on Thursday February 11, 2010 at 11:48
Select Member
December 2008
You're kinda right...

Lutron took their Maestro dimmers and retrofitted a URC RF Receiver in them (sold only thru URC dealers). They must be the URC by Lutron dimmers to work natively with the MX900 (no control wires, no black box). Based on the part # you supplied, that is not the URC by Lutron dimmer. The part# you will need is MRFA-600M-URC (WH).

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