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Firecracker X-10 problems
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Post 1 made on Sunday May 30, 1999 at 23:26
Historic Forum Post
Got the Firecracker kit the other day, and I'm having some problems with it. I can't figure out if they are related to the transmission of the RF signal from the PalmPad (and computer software) or of the X-10 signal itself. Basically, I've got a plain old table lamp plugged into the lamp module. It works very erratically. Sometimes I'll hit the on button 5 times before it works, other times it works great. Dimming is especially weird... At least 50% of the time, when I hit the dim button once, the light dims all the way 'till it is off. Sometimes it dims in different increments than others (ie, 3 "stops" till it is off, or 7 "stops"), and then sometimes it just plain doesn't work!

Any ideas where the problem might lie? As cheap as the kit was, it wouldn't be worth returning, but I want to figure out if this could be a big problem before I invest more money into X-10 (namely, the IR receiver to use with my Pronto).

OP | Post 2 made on Monday May 31, 1999 at 07:32
Warren Ceppos
Historic Forum Post
Did you hook up the firecracker module to your serial port? My reason for asking is, is there any conflict with the firecracker module's throughport and communication between your Pronto and your computer?
OP | Post 3 made on Monday May 31, 1999 at 09:33
Historic Forum Post
I am having the exact problem that Brayn is having. Sometimes I have to unplug the modules and replug to get them to work.

OP | Post 4 made on Monday May 31, 1999 at 13:38
Historic Forum Post

I'm not using the Pronto with my X-10 hardware (yet). I don't think the problem is with the computer setup, as I have the same difficulties with the PalmPad (RF, not IR) remote.
OP | Post 5 made on Tuesday June 1, 1999 at 22:20
Steve Horn
Historic Forum Post
Sounds like a line noise problem. Try plugging your lamp into the transceiver (device #1); that should eliminate any 'travel' between the transmitter portion of the transeiver (sending the code on the AC line) and the reception of that code by the module. If that works ok, then move the lamp to the lamp module in the same outlet. Trial and error. Since you've eliminated the PC as a potential, since you're experiencing the problem with the palm pad, it either is an RF transmission/reception problem or an X10 line transmission/reception problem... Or you could have a defective palm pad or transceiver. Have had no problems with mine (just received)... I know that's small consolation to you.


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