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home control HP Pavillion / SCSI serial problem
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Post 1 made on Wednesday March 31, 1999 at 21:16
paul lahaise
Historic Forum Post
Ok, (thanks for opening up an x10 forum, by the way!)

I have the Home Control system, or whatever the system is that gives you the serial cable / box with software to control x10 with macros, etc.

I also just bought the HP Pavillion 4445 computer. It's a 366 Celeron, 128 megs ram.

When I installed the serial box, I was able to control the lights ok. Then, when I added an ISA Adaptec SCSI card, the HC software stopped working. It complains of not being able to see the connection (error 73, I think). Funny thing is, the SCSI card has an address in the 100's, the COMM 1 port in the 300's. The SCSI card has IRQ 10, the COMM 1 is IRQ 4. Nobody complains.

I also downloaded the latest software from X10.

Here's another wrinkle. I have the Madrigal IRIQ remote control, and 90% of the time, thru that COMM 1 port, the remote software is able to talk to the remote.


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