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DM10A motion sensor
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Post 1 made on Wednesday September 1, 1999 at 22:17
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post

I just got a DM10A motion sensor (it was designed to use witht he Barking Dog Alarm). However, I'm currently using it to trip a macro so the light will come on in the hallway for 5 mins. So far it works okay, but is there any way to schedule the thing so it will only come on at night? There is no need for the light to come on at day time.

Thank guys.

OP | Post 2 made on Wednesday September 1, 1999 at 22:23
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
I think I've found the answer myself just by reading the manual throughly :) Well, I guess this motion detector is designed to use along with the barking system so in a sense, it doesn't work what I wanted to do. It needs the ReX-10 module to work with dusk/dawn. Well, I'm guessing the HawkEyeII is the only way to go. Too bad I have to wait for that.

OP | Post 3 made on Friday September 3, 1999 at 18:19
Chris Couture
Historic Forum Post
If you had a spare RF receiver or were only using it for that motion sensor, you could put a timer of the RF receiver to only come on at night. A cheap dial type would work or you could use an X-10 module and a X-10 clock to time the module to come on at a certain time.

Chris Couture
OP | Post 4 made on Saturday September 4, 1999 at 01:04
Simon Ngan
Historic Forum Post
Hi Chris,

Your suggestion is great, I have couple cheapo plug-in timers which should do the job nicely.

Thanks for the tips.

OP | Post 5 made on Saturday September 4, 1999 at 02:33
Chris Couture
Historic Forum Post
Thats great! Remember that any other RF devices that used the receiver will not work when the timer is off. Here is a hint: Plug the timer into a Glade plug in with the extra plug. This will space the timer off the wall enough to allow the RF receiver to be pluged into the side (where most timers plug are) and it will keep your house smelling good. You could also use a cheap plug in multi adaptor (the ones you use a Christmas to plug in many strings of lights into).


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