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Need some advice on In-Ear Monitors for live performances
This thread has 2 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Saturday February 23, 2019 at 07:04
Lurking Member
February 2019
I know the stress of performing live as I've been doing it for sometime now. I am practicing singing on stage and I need a pair of good in-ear monitors that give me freedom of movement and quality audio frequency. I've been using Sennheiser EW 300 till now and they are doing great but I want one more pair. I've also made some research on my own and found this list [Link:] but want some genuine feedback on the products listed here. Has anyone tried one of them?

Thanks in advance!
Post 2 made on Saturday February 23, 2019 at 09:56
Mac Burks (39)
Elite Member
May 2007
Those are all terrible.
Avid Stamp Collector - I really love 39 Cent Stamps
Post 3 made on Wednesday April 17, 2019 at 15:15
Ernie Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
What? Are you saying that all the live music performers who use in-ear monitor earphones are using crap? As in... every rock band in the world who can afford them?
A good answer is easier with a clear question giving the make and model of everything.
"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -- G. “Bernie” Shaw

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