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My Nakamichi TA4A has a volume issue.
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Post 1 made on Monday February 23, 2015 at 16:08
John Archer
Lurking Member
February 2015
My Nakamichi TA4A has a volume issue.
The volume dies to almost zero, then (occasionally) re-appears at the original volume setting.
I'm the original owner and have been very happy with the TA4A and realize I'd be hard-pressed to find its' equal.
Any suggestions?
PS I'm not 'tech savvy' so doing the work myself would be a no gainer. Thanks
Post 2 made on Tuesday February 24, 2015 at 03:32
Super Member
May 2003
John Archer,

One channel? Both channels? If you grossly increase the volume briefly will the issue "cure" for a while?

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