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Bollard Outdoor Speakers
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Post 1 made on Sunday September 21, 2014 at 11:11
Lurking Member
September 2014
I am currently in the process of locating some outdoor landscape speakers for a backyard audio project. I was originally thinking of using some "in-ground" mushroom shaped models, however I am hesitant because of some bad experiences with dirt clogging up the speaker components (since they are so low to the ground). There is one speaker model that would fit this installation perfectly that I came across during a recent vacation at Disney World. It was an unusual "bollard" shaped outdoor speaker where the driver was placed behind a grill at the top of the cylinder, away from where dirt and plant litter could harm it. Their sound reproduction was exceptional considering the size of the unit and its components and they looked great in the garden setting. The only trouble is that there was no branding or model number located on the speaker and my desperate internet searches have turned up nothing. So I was hoping someone out there knows who manufactures this speaker and where it would be available. Your assistance would be appreciated, thanks! 
These are the only images I could find of the units.
Post 2 made on Monday September 29, 2014 at 17:01
Long Time Member
March 2011
Terra Speakers LS32. They Even have Lights.


Lifetime Warranty. They sound awesome and are made in USA!

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