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New Cheap Sony projector
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Post 1 made on Friday February 11, 2005 at 23:00
Long Time Member
October 2004
Has anyone seen the Sony VPLHS51? Keeping in mind it retails for only $3500 how does it look? Any thoughts or comments? Thanks!
Post 2 made on Sunday February 13, 2005 at 17:03
Long Time Member
February 2005
We carry that model at the store I work at, and I have designed a couple of home theatre systems with that model as the center piece. It is an excellent porjector, with very good clarity and good color. It's brightness settings are a little misleading (6000 lumens) but most manufacturers bs their ratings anyway. That being said, with a good screen designed for an LCD projector (read grey material, unless room can be completely blacked off for ambient light) this is probably the best bang for the buck projector you can get. It has an excellent long throw zoom lens, which allows you to place the projector farther back than most other projectors, giving you a tighter picture for the same screen size.

I would whole-heartedly recommend this projector to anyone looking for the best mid-priced pojector they can get.
I never drive faster than I can see, and besides that, its all in the reflexes.
Post 3 made on Sunday February 13, 2005 at 21:10
Loyal Member
November 2004
I've installed 3 VPLHS51's and I'm impressed so far.Especially for the money!
It's also extremely QUIET!! You can't even here the fan running.At all!

Like any projector, ambient light degrades the picture quite a bit. But, with a good screen, its not objectionable.

I would recommend it.
Every day is a good day.......some are just better than others!

Proud to say that my property is protected by a high speed wireless device!
Post 4 made on Sunday February 13, 2005 at 22:49
Ultimate Member
May 2001
have not seen it, but from both in the cheap and expensive projector forum all I have heard is good stuff

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