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[Take Control] Pronto Vs IRIQ
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Post 1 made on Sunday January 10, 1999 at 22:52
Historic Forum Post
Anyone have experience with both remotes? I'm looking at the proto and the IRIQ they both look good, but have limited information, and no stores here carry the IRIQ.

Any comments would be appreciated.
OP | Post 2 made on Monday January 11, 1999 at 12:12
George Mills
Historic Forum Post

Everyone that has used both has gone with the Pronto to my knowledge.

Read the forums.
OP | Post 3 made on Tuesday January 12, 1999 at 10:31
Historic Forum Post
I bought a Take Control a few weeks before Christmas. I ended up selling it and ordered a Pronto.

I first went with Take Control because:
1) Price. I paid about $290 from whereas Pronto was going for $399.
2) PC software. As everyone knows, the PC software from Microsoft was really slick and it makes programming the remote very easy.

Reasons why I sold Take Control:
1) IR Range. Like most people in this forum, IR range was a major problem with my Take Control. I have a Sony RPTV. My receiver and rest of my system is about 3 feets to the right of my TV. I had to point the remote somewhere between my TV and the receiver to get the macros to work. A major problem since I bought this remote to make it easier for rest of my family to use the home theater system. I usually sit about 7 feets from my TV.

2) Philips just introduced the ProntoEdit software for free. This eliminated a major advantage Take Control has over the Pronto.

3) Price of the Pronto is as low as $299 from a few mail order companies. However, most of them do not have them in stock. I bought mine for $399 because I could not wait.

Now, I used both remotes. My two cents:
1) Pronto's IR range is much much better. I can even get it to work when I point it to the left of my TV!!!
2) Since I have not received the ProntoEdit software yet, programming a Pronto took about 3 hrs compare to about 1 hr with Take Control software. (replace about 8 remotes)
3) Touch Screen is very good on Pronto. Take Control was not as bright.
4) Pronto seems to be faster than HK Take Control especially moving between devices or pages.
5) I like the "wheel" in the HK. I also found the HK much easier to hold with one hand eventhough it is much bigger than Pronto.

I hope this email will help some of you out there. I am not saying I do not like HK. I bought it over the Pronto in the first place. But I really think there is something wrong with the IR range. I really hope HK can fix this problem.

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