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[Take Control] Tactile buttons
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 19, 1998 at 10:22
Historic Forum Post
I would like to be able to have my + and - and mute buttons always control the pre-amp. Once I go into the devices, the tactile buttons do not act as a master control. I have been able to get around this with TV by reprogramming the TV volume buttons through the pre-amp volume buttons. However, neither the DSS receiver nor the CD does not have volume buttons through the setup Wizard and manually adding the buttons does not link them to the Tactile buttons. Can anybody help me with this ? Thank you.
OP | Post 2 made on Monday December 21, 1998 at 17:21
Historic Forum Post
Hi Skip, try hooking up the remote to your computer wiht the provided software. It is actually quite easy to program. You can add customized buttons, re-label buttons, customize the individual screens, etc... You can also change the functions of the + and - buttons as well as the roller. Once you install the software and plug int the remote it is self explanatory.

Good Luck and email me if you have any questions. My home email is

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