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[Take Control] No "new" Icons showing up on IRIQ forum
This thread has 6 replies. Displaying all posts.
Post 1 made on Friday December 11, 1998 at 16:54
George Mills
Historic Forum Post
Danial, no "new" Icons showing up on IRIQ forum.

But they do show up on the Pronto forum.
OP | Post 2 made on Friday December 11, 1998 at 18:38
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
Hmm, they show up for me.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 00:44
George Mills
Historic Forum Post
Two machine times 2 explorers (Netscape and MS Explorer 98) do the same thing.

They all work on Pronto and None on IRIQ.

In fact all your forums work except IRIQ.

It looks like the bitmap for the IRIQ causes the table to get shifted to the right and covers the "new" icons.

I'm in 1024x768 if that helps.

OP | Post 4 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 00:49
George Mills
Historic Forum Post

That's what it is.

I just tried setting the font from medium to large and it pushed the table down (due to text next to IRIQ bitmap being bigger) and it pushed the table down and was not longer pushed to the right because the bitmap and the new Icons appeared.

Try viewing with different "viewing" fonts I think I have mine set to default but I don't remember. Nothing unusual in the size or font I have set.
OP | Post 5 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 13:33
Historic Forum Post
I don't get the "new" icons here either...
OP | Post 6 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 16:25
Daniel Tonks
Historic Forum Post
This happens only when the font is set to "smallest" - which also seems to be Netscape's default. I've changed the IRIQ icon, let me know if it's working.
OP | Post 7 made on Saturday December 12, 1998 at 18:10
Historic Forum Post I get'em! :)

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