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Cannot activate EPG
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Post 1 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 20:11
Lurking Member
April 2006
My network consists of a linksys dsl router and a netgear wireless access point WG602 v2.

I have set up the wireless network using WPA, no MAC address filtering.

I do not have DHCP set up so I set the ip, subnet mask, DNS server and gateway up to be the same as my laptop which works fine (the RC9800 has a unique ip)

I can ping the RC9800 from within the network (from laptop on wireless and the dsl router)

The RC9800 network status shows my SSID and status as "Successful connection (WPA encryption)"

I have registerd with the EPG on Philips web site and have an activation key, I enter this and I receive "Unable to connect to activation service"

Anything anyone can recommend i try?
Post 2 made on Monday April 3, 2006 at 23:39
Lurking Member
April 2006
I had the same problem. When I updated the firmware, I never shut off the remote from the tiny off switch in the back. My friend suggested this, I did it, and it connected fine. I guess its similar to rebooting the remote. You shouldn't lose your settings. Even if you didnt upgrade the firmware, this can't hurt.
Post 3 made on Wednesday January 24, 2007 at 06:40
Lurking Member
January 2007
Ballen, did you successfully manage to download the epg to your RC9800? My SSID shows successful connection, but there is no signal strength.


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