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RC9800i Frozen
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 6, 2007 at 18:26
Lurking Member
January 2007
Hi all, just bought a 9800i here in the UK and I had some issues getting the unit to attach to my WLAN. Anyway, the supplier supplied the Eurpoean firmware on CD and so I decided to upgrade the firmware. This all worked, from the PC to the RC and then the RC went through it's own update process with all stages succesfully concluding. When it did finish and then reboot (as it said it would) the pronto promptly display the Philips screen, the screen seems to refresh and then the swirly animation comes up - but that's it. It just sits there and I have no idea why. I've switched it off and then on again (after leaving it 1st for 20 mins) and again, same thing. Can anyone provide any support? I've written to the supplier and am waiting his response but I must say, it seems to be freakishly unstable. Help greatly apreciated! Thanks AMF
Post 2 made on Tuesday January 9, 2007 at 00:05
Lurking Member
January 2007
Hi !

I just had the same problem a few days ago when I was trying to downgrade my FW from 080 to 078 (to see if I would get better WiFi connection). Although it seems like the 078 FW version wasn't compatible (wrong "region" I think, since my RC9800i is a US version, and the FW was for Europe).
Anyway, I also got stuck on the Philips logo all the time.
Philips told me (via the Streamium Café forum) to do the following :
1: Power off the RC9800i
2: Press and hold the Page and Home buttons simultaneously and power on the RC9800i (while still pressing the buttons).
3: Wait until the FW upgrade page shows.
4: Continue as normal for upgrading the FW.

Worked perfectly for my (i.e. I'm now back on FW 080 at least...)

Post 3 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 13:58
Lurking Member
December 2006
Applemacfreak and Tias,

Please be advised that whether you have a US or European purchased remote makes no difference to its functionality, this has been stated in a previous post where a response from philips was quoted. I had a US remote and uploaded the Euro 078 FW so I could select the right region as it only had the option for North America. After the firmware upgrade it worked fine with no issues, the EPG works a treat and so do all the devices.
Applemacfreak how did you get on with the power cycle, are you all up and running now. I have heard that the 080 FW slows the device down in its functionality which is why sticking to the 078 FW is recommended, check out the archive of forums.
Post 4 made on Monday January 22, 2007 at 22:22
Lurking Member
January 2007
I just returned product...after flashing to new firmware...I would continually get splash screen...often while in middle of adding new device.

Word on the "street" this product is a piece of junk...I concur...and this is sad because at $200 this product really would have been cool...if it did what it was supposed to.
Post 5 made on Wednesday January 24, 2007 at 04:19
Lurking Member
December 2006
The latest firmware has been know to cause issues, hence the recommendation to stick to 078 FW.
I havent had any problems at all with the remote, all I can say is the remote is only as good as the user. Takes patience setting it up but works a treat once done and set up as properly, too many people seem to dive in and do anything and everything at once, but with a remote like this is worth being patient and doing things in a logical process. After all this isnt your regular remote.
Post 6 made on Wednesday January 24, 2007 at 09:15
De Pampi
Long Time Member
November 2005
Please be aware that the newer remotes are NOT compatible with the "old" 078 firmware (source: support team streamiumcafe forum)

"Users be aware that RC9800i/00 devices (European version), produced after January 01, 2006 cannot run 2.0.78 firmware! You can check the production date from the PL code at the back of the device. After the first 4 characters (PLxD) you will find the year and week code. 0601 and higher are produced after the mentioned date.,

Note: If you flashed it and the remote gets stuck in the start screen you can always load back the 2.0.80 firmware by using the HOME and PAGE update procedure (as described above in this topic). "


De Pampi

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