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System button? on RU980
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Post 1 made on Sunday June 15, 2014 at 00:05
Long Time Member
April 2003
Hi guys,

I have put up with this niggling problem for years now, on the device home page the left hand hard button directly under the screen was set to Tools, if you hold it down it takes you to the settings pages.
On all my device pages no matter what I have that button set to, it still shows Tools, I have those buttons as links to other devices, the other 3 buttons show the text to what I have set but that far left button only shows tools no matter what page you are on, the link I have set does take you to the correct device I have it set to, it's just the text which doesn't seem to change.

Edit: it seems to be an old button I had set to take you to the settings pages on the device but it no longer takes you there, I thought it may be something on the devices system pages but I can't seem to get in there anymore.

Last edited by jasonbb on June 15, 2014 04:52.
OP | Post 2 made on Sunday June 15, 2014 at 04:39
Long Time Member
April 2003
After some more investigation it seems to be something I added years ago but not sure why.
Goto System, double click on the system page and that button has "Tools", if you double click on it under the label tab it has "Tools" but it is greyed out
I tried deleting the button but then the second button along maps to it, the only way I can have it work with the correct function is to have the "Tools" button in that spot on the system page.
It appears on all device pages excluding the home page.
I have a suspicion it was to access the system settings on the remote itself by holding it down for 10 seconds or so, after all the mucking around that doesn't seem to work anymore though. I had to copy the button from another file to put it back so my maped button works the way it should.

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