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installing neoedit 1.3
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 12, 2002 at 11:01
Founding Member
January 2002
I just recently received the Neo, I updated the firmware to the newest version . I did not get the original neoedit disk with the unit, so I tried to install the latest 1.3 version from the Philips web site.when trying to install this version on my computer(Pentium III, Windows 98, 243 MB of ram)I get the screen message Windows installer preparing to access Microsoft data components 2.5, then installer must restart computer before configuration of neoedit can continue. When I restart computer, this process just continues without neoedit installing. I have deleted Neoedit a couple times, and downloaded again from the Philips web site. No luck So Far, any help would be appreciated. Thanks again, rytek
Post 2 made on Saturday January 12, 2002 at 18:57
Founding Member
December 2001
exact same problem here. i found nothing to solve this. i eventually deleted the installation file and took my software to a trashy w95 compaq i had. if you figure this out please post back here. there are others who have descibed this never ending cycle of reboot....reboot....reboot...
Post 3 made on Saturday January 12, 2002 at 19:08
Founding Member
October 2001
First look and make sure the NeoEdit setup hasn't left any files in the Windows Temp dir, or whereever you have the temp dir set as, more then likely c:\windows\temp\ del all files & dir there..

Also, somewhere on Microsoft's download page, there is an Updated Windows Installer that I had to DL and install first on a laptop that had Win98 on it. Sorry I don't have the files name or link any more, as I sold the laptop..but its there, and that sounds like the problem, since it's the "Windows installer" error.

As to why Philips dosn't include the file on the Neo cdrom I have no idea!


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