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URC-R40 - "My favourite remote"
This thread has 78 replies. Displaying posts 46 through 60.
Post 46 made on Monday February 13, 2012 at 23:18
Lurking Member
August 2002
Been enjoying the r40 for about a month now after replacing a mx500 that we used for many years. Found the setup pretty easy and love some of the extras on the r40.

I would like to change something and don't know how. I setup a couple of the favorites buttons with some channels, but don't ever use the feature. I'd like to restore the buttons so they don't bring up any 'favorites' on the screen like they did before setting up. Is there any way to clear the favorites or restore the buttons to how they functioned before choosing any favorite channels?
Post 47 made on Tuesday February 14, 2012 at 09:53
Long Time Member
December 2006
On February 13, 2012 at 23:18, dwcliff said...
I would like to change something and don't know how. I setup a couple of the favorites buttons with some channels, but don't ever use the feature. I'd like to restore the buttons so they don't bring up any 'favorites' on the screen like they did before setting up. Is there any way to clear the favorites or restore the buttons to how they functioned before choosing any favorite channels?

There is an ERASE function in the Advanced Menu, and one of the choices is FAVORITES. Try that.
URC MX-890, MX-780, MX-450, R40, MX-500, Sony XBR-55X900E, Panny TC-P55ST60, Tivo Roamio Pro & Premiere & OTA, TWC Arris DVR, Onkyo 333 AVR, Roku Express 4K, Panasonic Blu-Ray
Post 48 made on Saturday February 18, 2012 at 00:25
Lurking Member
August 2002
On February 14, 2012 at 09:53, RandyWalters said...
There is an ERASE function in the Advanced Menu, and one of the choices is FAVORITES. Try that.

Thanks....that did the trick!!
Post 49 made on Thursday April 26, 2012 at 06:01
Lurking Member
March 2009
I just recently purchased one of these from Amazon to replace an R50 that was starting to give me a lot of trouble on my frequently used keys. Most notably my FF, REW and skip buttons. Had no trouble setting it up as it is very similar to the R50 except for the maddening random erasing of commands while recording other commands. When you rerecord the one missing, the next key usually gets erased. The only pattern I see is it is usually the next key in line. It still shows something on the key when it disappears and still seems to be sending a signal, but it doesn't function. It allows you to record over it, without erasing, but I have found that it is better to erase the non functioning key first. I have also seen that if I erase the whole block of keys and rerecord all at the same time, it helps. Like all the curser keys, or all the FF REW pad. I just don't understand how they can release a product that does this. Hopefully, after I get them all on and they stay, I'll enjoy it and get the years out of it like I did on my R50. R50 was great, I just didn't like the ergonomics of some of the keys. The R40 has corrected this.
Post 50 made on Saturday May 12, 2012 at 03:45
Long Time Member
October 2005
Is there a workaround or fix for the problem with previously learnt commands breaking when other commands on nearby buttons are re-learnt? It almost makes the remote unusable. Needing to fix / change a single button essentially results in having to re-learn every single button and you have to second guess the right order to do that in or else you have to start over again. Useless.
Post 51 made on Tuesday May 22, 2012 at 17:06
Long Time Member
January 2012
Anyone using the R40 with a Xbox 360?
When I use it with mine it sometimes skips two items ahead like it's a bit to sensitive. I click the right arrow once and it will move two times instead of one.

just wondering if anyone else has noticed this and if a work around is available.
Post 52 made on Thursday July 19, 2012 at 10:29
Founding Member
July 2001
Can anyone who has used both the r50 and the r40 help me decide if the r40 is worth the extra $100.

I've had two MX-500's and only replaced the first when it got wet and I thought it broke. Turns out it came back to life after I received my new one! These remotes have served me well, but now they're showing their age... backlight issues, dead pixels etc...

Anyway, I've been looking at the r50/r40 and reading the threads (and wondering if Daniel is going to review the r40... Hint, Hint). So far button placement seems to be the biggest complaint about the r50. I know the r40 has macro editing and a different button layout, but I'm trying to see if there is anything else that could help me justify the big difference in price: r50 is currently $55 and r40 is $149 on amazon.

So any advice from someone who's used both?


UPDATE: After reading more of the user reviews on this site, I realize that the button placement and usability issues with the r50 are more serious than I initially thought. For that reason I've decided to go with the r40. When I receive it and set it up, I'll post my thoughts here.


Last edited by Adjuster on July 22, 2012 12:59.
Post 53 made on Wednesday August 15, 2012 at 09:30
Lurking Member
September 2010
I'm also wondering if there's been a fix for the issue of the remote losing previously learned commands when new commands are learned. I've had mine for about a week now and it's driving me nuts. As soon as I think I have a device complete, I find a button that's no longer working. It can be a hard button, an on or off button (that will then break a macro) or a screen device button that will no longer open the device!

If I can get around this, I find that the R40 is completely able to replace my wearing out MX-850.
Post 54 made on Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 05:46
Long Time Member
October 2005
On August 15, 2012 at 09:30, clotter said...
I'm also wondering if there's been a fix for the issue of the remote losing previously learned commands when new commands are learned. I've had mine for about a week now and it's driving me nuts. As soon as I think I have a device complete, I find a button that's no longer working. It can be a hard button, an on or off button (that will then break a macro) or a screen device button that will no longer open the device!

If I can get around this, I find that the R40 is completely able to replace my wearing out MX-850.

Exactly. I had the same issue. And now I daren't touch it any further for fear of having to start over. Pretty hopeless.
Post 55 made on Wednesday August 22, 2012 at 13:48
Lurking Member
September 2010
I emailed URC and got a response to call their tech support line. For anyone interested in calling, the number is (800) 901-0800, Monday thru Friday between 9 am to 6 pm EST.

I did call and got a chance to speak with a tech right away. The short answer is that you need to delete the entire device if you're experiencing this problem and start over again with that device. I did try doing that and it worked for me the first time. I was finally able to fully program my remote.

I hope I don't fudge this too badly, but the tech explained that when you learn a command over a button, it doesn't erase the current command, but "stacks" the new learned command on top of the old. I'm not sure if that means the stack moves over to the next button and then makes that button malfunction or what. I didn't ask for an explanation why the button that was re-learned actually performs the command properly.

I'm really enjoying the remote now. The added buttons and the layout really help to make it more enjoyable for using with the Dish Hopper DVR. One great surprise to me was that the built-in code that worked for my Epson 8350 projector actually has a discreet off command! I looked a long time for a code on the web and never found one.

Hope this little bit of info helps someone else!!
Post 56 made on Saturday September 1, 2012 at 20:30
Lurking Member
July 2003
What about cloning with the R40? I know the R50 can't, shame (on URC!). My 300 has this function (important for me at least who have nearly identical HT setups in the family room and the master bedroom), in the simplest of forms but better than none anyway. Miss the *great* cloning ability of some of the old hard-buttons-only models like the Sony RM-VL900, one of the best in that area IMHE(xperience), and a great 'learner' alike. Of course, they are much more complicated now, the newer and more sophisticated units, harder to clone I guess as a consequence? So...can you clone a complete 40 to another or not? I've looked around and haven't found the answer yet. Thanks!
Post 57 made on Thursday September 6, 2012 at 10:59
Lurking Member
September 2010
J.J. I don't believe the R40 has a cloning option. You may want to call the URC number I noted above for an official answer.
Post 58 made on Thursday September 6, 2012 at 17:19
Lurking Member
July 2003
Thanks, clotter. I called URC this afternoon. The R40 can't clone either, I was assured. The representative pointed me to the MX-450 since at least with that model (R50 'pro') you can save your configuration and then download it later on if needed to another 450. No R40 for me then with my special (cloning) need. Too bad, I liked the rest, macro revisions, moving soft functions, nice extra 4 color keys... I don't/can't use RF, too many of the same stuff around the house, no brainer for me that. My URC-300 clones remote-to-remote, cool. I will probably get a couple of cheap RF20 (w/o the RF modules) for the audio-only part of my oh-so-similar-HT-setups and readjust the 300's for video purposes only. The 300 (15-devices) & the RF20 (10-devices) are near twins in the buttons department, all operations, plus the RF20 can clone too! I count around 20 remote-controllable devices in the family room now and 17 or 18 ± in the master bedroom (what a nice wife I have!), most of them identical models, that's why I want a cloning-capable remote. I will just have to duplicate a couple of devices like my amps/receivers in the RF20 so I can redo my (audio) macros as before with the 300 only. Anyway, going off topic, "R40", sorry, bye.
Post 59 made on Thursday September 6, 2012 at 19:42
Elite Member
April 2002
On September 6, 2012 at 17:19, J.J. said...
Thanks, clotter. I called URC this afternoon. The R40 can't clone either, I was assured. The representative pointed me to the MX-450 since at least with that model (R50 'pro') you can save your configuration and then download it later on if needed to another 450. No R40 for me then with my special (cloning) need. Too bad, I liked the rest, macro revisions, moving soft functions, nice extra 4 color keys... I don't/can't use RF, too many of the same stuff around the house, no brainer for me that. My URC-300 clones remote-to-remote, cool. I will probably get a couple of cheap RF20 (w/o the RF modules) for the audio-only part of my oh-so-similar-HT-setups and readjust the 300's for video purposes only. The 300 (15-devices) & the RF20 (10-devices) are near twins in the buttons department, all operations, plus the RF20 can clone too! I count around 20 remote-controllable devices in the family room now and 17 or 18 ± in the master bedroom (what a nice wife I have!), most of them identical models, that's why I want a cloning-capable remote. I will just have to duplicate a couple of devices like my amps/receivers in the RF20 so I can redo my (audio) macros as before with the 300 only. Anyway, going off topic, "R40", sorry, bye.

You can't clone urc-300 to a Rf20, nor a urc-200 to a Rf20. Even some Rf20's won't clone to another rf20.
Post 60 made on Friday September 7, 2012 at 13:30
Lurking Member
July 2003
My bad, E., English is my 3rd language! I meant having TWO URC-300 (one in each of those two locations) for VIDEO sources/purposes only and clone BETWEEN THEM, then TWO RF20 (w/ same FCC ID so it doesn't happen what, effectively, you cited and they communicate fine with each other) for our few AUDIO components ONLY (again, 1 in the family room and the other in the bedroom) so I can clone ONE RF20 TO THE OTHER too. No crossed-cloning was planned at any moment, "300 to 20" or viceversa, I know the limitations. Maybe if you reread my posting again you'll see 'clearly now' what I was thinking and I am planning to do. Yes, awkward for some, TWO remotes in each place, like that. It should work out fine for me, the wife and the teenager still in the house. We can't afford to spend a small fortune at this moment just to add a couple of devices to our nearly-full 300s. 15 + 10 = 25, minus 2 or 3 devices (for the repeated amps, Rx and maybe the TV in all the remotes) still is > 20 devices, more than enough 'forever' for us. Anyway, the lady still prefers to use the DirecTV remote when she just watches TV and I let her do it so it saves wear & tear on the URCs. Also, having an RF20 for all audio listening will further extend the 300's life a bit, a lot maybe since I listen to my music and Internet music and news in English, French and Spanish quite often (RF20 then)! I teach my URCs 100%, no numerical codes, ever. I have a cheap ($15 new at Kmart some time ago) Harmory 300 that I use exclusively to get the discretes for my components (those that have them), and an old Sony universal that learns whatever I throw at it also in case I can't teach something directly to the big URCs, it's happened, with the 300 in particular. Thanks for your participation, Edmund. We 'talked' before, a few years ago, precisely when I got the 300s and I asked a couple of ? here in RC and you cut in and helped out.

Last edited by J.J. on September 8, 2012 19:40.
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