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Elan Dealers - HC12 and M86A
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Post 1 made on Friday April 19, 2019 at 11:10
Senior Member
November 2003
Helping clear out some shelves of stuff left over from previous employer.
Been sitting on shelves for a few years and warehouse owner wants it to go away.

Elan HC12 and M86A. Both were used in a showroom demo system. Went from showroom to warehouse.

I can find some sort of boxes to pack them in for shipping (have sold a ton of items on Ebay over the years, so can usually figure out a way to pack these things for shipping)

Most likely for someone that wants a back up piece or to just play around with in their own system.

will have more items soon.

Found, a TS2 keypad from Elan too
OP | Post 2 made on Sunday May 5, 2019 at 12:49
Senior Member
November 2003
M86 has been sold.

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