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Harmony 900 no longer Controls Panasonic Ub820 4K bluray
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Post 1 made on Friday April 28, 2023 at 08:59
Long Time Member
August 2004
Hi. I’ve been using my Harmony 900 remote for many years- well over 10 I believe- and have been very pleased with its overall performance. I’ve always been able to resolve any serious glitches that have cropped up…. Until today. Suddenly, the Harmony stopped controlling my Panasonic ub820 4K blu ray player. Pressing help didn’t work. Going to device and trying to use the Harmony also failed. I rechecked RF settings. I thought maybe the blaster had failed, but it controls my Anthem AVR perfectly with the same blaster. I finally deleted the device from my remote and added again. Same issue. I reset the blu ray player to factory settings. Same result. By the way, the Panasonic remote works perfectly but I then need to leave the cabinet door open. I also increased a couple of the timing settings in the Harmony remote. It didn’t help. I’m stumped. Is it possible that the Harmony is beginning to fail?

Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.

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