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Curious Harmony issue
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Post 1 made on Thursday April 6, 2023 at 05:27
Founding Member
April 2002

I have a somewhat curious issue with my Harmony. I use a set-up with a Harmony Hub to control a system based around a Samsung the Frame TV. The remote for this TV is bluetooth based, but it also has an IR receiver, and my IR remote from the old Samsung TV I used previously works well. Originally I used a Harmony Smart Control, but since this is not an IR remote I needed the Hub's IR repeater to be placed near the new TV IR receiver, which ruined the clean look of the Frame. I therefore invested in a Harmony Elite remote, as this can use both IR and communicate with the Hub (I assume via RF, or maybe wifi or bluetooth, but at least not IR). This works fine for everything, except turning the TV off completely, which requires a very long press on the off-button on either the original bluetooth remote or the Samsung IR remote. On the Harmony Smart Control I simply mapped a button to the discrete on command of the old Samsung IR remote, and holding this down for a few seconds works very well. However doing the exact same thing on the Elite does not work, it simply switches the TV on. I have tried this using both IR on the Elite, but also using the IR repeater. Same result. Why would this work differently for the two remotes when they both are programmed in the same (and very simple way)? This issue means I need to keep a separate second remote around when I want to switch the TV off, rather than just place it in standby mode with the art showing on the frame). This is quite incovenient and difficult to get the wife to understand/accept and the kids to remember. Any ideas would be greatly welcomed!
Post 2 made on Thursday April 6, 2023 at 12:08
Super Member
May 2003
Full disclosure: I don't have a Harmony to fuss with.

For units that I've controlled, there can be two commands for a button. The first would be the expected command. If the button is held, a second, usually shorter command is issued which can be considered as "repeat" or "continue". I like to think of this second command as "continue". The "continue" command will be repeatedly emitted as long as the button is held.

While it's not the same as a command with a "continue", you could experiment with sending multiple Power Toggle commands on a macro button. Unfortunately, there is only a Power Toggle command, not a true OFF command. I don't know how the TV will react to the multiple Power Toggle commands.

I found this thread that might help: [Link:].

Maybe I'll update this conversation later. I'm currently working with a 32" Frame TV on a job and I'm not liking it. There is no RS-232, network port, or audio output. I bumped into this power issue. We don't need the artwork feature, just a nice looking TV.
OP | Post 3 made on Friday April 7, 2023 at 07:35
Founding Member
April 2002
Thanks, I found a solution, which is a bit counter-intuitive, but which works:

Step 1: Select Devices (I cannot get this to work from Activities)
Step 2: Select the Samsung TV (not the Frame, but some older IR based model)
Step 3: Press and hold the discrete Power ON (not Power OFF) button

This works and shuts down the TV completely. Strange that a long press of the Power OFF does not work, but Power ON does :-)

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