We have a Harmony one. Here's the info from the remote battery door:
P/N = 815-000046
M/N = R-1Y17
PID = LZ847B205HB
No matter how long we leave it on the charger it continues to show the charging icon and the green portion of the battery icon represents about 20% of total charge capacity.
Examing the battery, it is seriously swollen and I intend to replace it.
Problem is, no matter where I search I cannot find a replacement battery that notes it is intended for use specifically with a Harmony model P/N = 815-000046.
Can anyone recommend and perhaps even provide a link to a battery they have purchased that works with an 815-000046?
Or am I being too "restrictive"; i.e., would any battery that says it works with a Harmony 815-000037, for example, be fine.
[Link: amazon.com]BTW - I cleaned the battery charger contacts even though they did not appear to be terribly dirty.
Many thanks for any help!