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Harmony One battery replacement recommendations
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Post 1 made on Saturday July 24, 2021 at 09:10
Junior Member
July 2021
We have a Harmony one. Here's the info from the remote battery door:
P/N = 815-000046
M/N = R-1Y17
PID = LZ847B205HB

No matter how long we leave it on the charger it continues to show the charging icon and the green portion of the battery icon represents about 20% of total charge capacity.

Examing the battery, it is seriously swollen and I intend to replace it.

Problem is, no matter where I search I cannot find a replacement battery that notes it is intended for use specifically with a Harmony model P/N = 815-000046.

Can anyone recommend and perhaps even provide a link to a battery they have purchased that works with an 815-000046?

Or am I being too "restrictive"; i.e., would any battery that says it works with a Harmony 815-000037, for example, be fine.


BTW - I cleaned the battery charger contacts even though they did not appear to be terribly dirty.

Many thanks for any help!
Post 2 made on Sunday September 19, 2021 at 15:26
Cico Buff
Founding Member
October 2001
At the risk of this being too late (I only came across this post by way of Google....), you're being too restrictive. The replacement battery doesn't have to match those numbers. In fact, batteries for my 880 work perfectly in my Harmony One, or my Harmony 900. This for example on Amazon, should be fine:

Now, as to why there are 175 views and I'm the first one to answer this....

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