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SONY XBR-65X900F and Harmony One
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Post 1 made on Wednesday December 18, 2019 at 11:42
Long Time Member
November 2002
just got this new sony tv and using it with Onkyo AVR. When i power on with my Watch TV, the AVR first goes to TV (tho it's set for Cab/Sat input) and the speakers switch back and forth from internal speakers to external speakers. Everything ends up correct - without HELP - but it goes thru this back/forth for both the input and the speakers. I've tried powering on in different order (TV first, AVR first), changed and extended delays. but still no luck. any ideas? thank you!
Post 2 made on Monday December 23, 2019 at 17:08
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Disable HDMI CEC on both devices. Although if you're using ARC that will break it, in which case you can try disabling auto power/input switching.

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