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Harmony Elite with Sony 900F Smart tv activity?
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Post 1 made on Sunday April 28, 2019 at 17:20
Long Time Member
December 2002
This seemed to start right after my recent Android update (Oreo, maybe?) but whenever I select my Watch TV activity (it goes to the correct input and works just problem here) the activity seems to move or go up/down on the tv screen icons like its getting some extra button pushes.

Its almost like the activity goes through its motions, when it gets to the Sony TV smart tv screen, and then the cursor moves down/up/down to a starting point on the screen icon and then you can use the remote as normal.

I've set the delay times back to default just in case they were changed accidentally.

I have an almost identical Sony tv downstairs with a Harmony Elite and the same Watch Smart TV activity and it does not do this.


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