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Harmony One code learning frustrations - advice?
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Post 1 made on Friday September 14, 2018 at 22:42
Tassie Devil
Long Time Member
February 2003
All was going nicely in home theatre control until my Vu+ Duo2 got bricked and had its motherboard replaced. The problem that arose was it had the same No 2 code sets as the Vu+ Solo2.

So, the Vu+ Solo2 codes were changed to no 1. All OK except for the navigator and number codes.

The Problems:
* Each navigator button on the Harmony One gives only one correct response. A second use of that same button either gives no response or causes the cursor to jump 2 or 3 places.
* The 1/3, 4/6 & 7/9 buttons work fine for skipping on file play when pressed once BUT will not operate on a second button push.

I've contaced Logitech but the only response so far is to "Learn" the button functions again. I've done that in all possible ways (even covering up the remotes to avoid interference) but get the same results.

Note that no problems exist with the Vu+ remote. I tried codes 3 & 4 for the VU+ but they yielded the same navigator button problems with the Harmony One. All very ironic because I shifted away from the URC 850 because it suffered exactly the same learning problems with the VU+ codes.

Any suggestions gratefully received. I've even looked at replacing the remote but have not discovered a suitable one (Must have number keys, backlighting and macro functions) but maybe someone can suggest something.


Last edited by Tassie Devil on September 14, 2018 23:18.
An audio nut for over 60 years & now a video nut too :-)
OP | Post 2 made on Sunday September 16, 2018 at 22:14
Tassie Devil
Long Time Member
February 2003
Progress, finally!! Logitech support have solved the navigator problems but there are still others to be fixed that learning does not.

So, I'm optimistic all will finally work for the Harmony One.

The basic problem is not hardware as both Harmony One remotes I have behave identically. It does seem there is something odd about the Vu+ remote codes because, as I posted above it was similar problems before with a URC 850 (Aeros) that led me to change to the Harmony One. For some reason odd Vu+ codes do not transfer easily under "learn" functions. I'm guessing Logitech support are changing their No 1 Vu+ code set so it transfers across to the Harmony so it is without problems and no lerarning is required.

I had looked at getting another remote but there are limited offerings and i found none besides the Harmony One that have 3 important functions for me - 1. Number buttons (needed for play skipping but missing from many new offerings), 2. Backlit keys and 3. The facility to program macros (sequences using Harmony language). I'm not interested in controlling other house items & am happy to live with IF.

So, bottom line is to praise Harmony support. Great service can be hard to find these days, particularly with big companies so my experience with Logitech support is very gratifying.
An audio nut for over 60 years & now a video nut too :-)
OP | Post 3 made on Wednesday September 19, 2018 at 01:33
Tassie Devil
Long Time Member
February 2003
Further reply from Logitech Support today.

The number buttons now work for continued skips if the same button is pressed repeatedly.

There are still problems with the Power Topggle, Exit and Green button which do not respond with repeated use use. And there is an unecessary delay switching between activities (say Solo 2 to Duo 2). But obviously the logitech technicians know what they are doing and are clever enough to fix these remaining quirks.

The remaining frustration is with VIX on the Solo2. For some obscure reason it will only display 24 hours of EPG, not 7 days as with the Duo. I asked for help elsewhere, had one kind reply, but we never did find a solution. This morning I did a complete new installation, scans and all, but I ended up with the same result. Why the Solo2 should be different to the Duo 2 when each have the same EPG plug in and same settings beats me.
An audio nut for over 60 years & now a video nut too :-)

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