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Harmony Elite Setup
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Post 1 made on Thursday August 3, 2017 at 20:47
Founding Member
July 2001
My nephew just got a Harmony Elite and I've been helping him set it up. I've setup a Harmony One before so have a general idea of the process.

He has a new 2017 Vizio M65-E0 LED which runs Vizio SmartCast... the remote itself has no dedicated button for it. To bring up SmartCast you have to cycle through the inputs HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3, HDMI 4, Comp, SmartCast.

Does Vizio have a discrete code for SmartCast and if so how would I work that into an Device/Activity?

Also since the Harmony Elite has no numbered hard buttons how do I get it to display them on the touchscreen particularly when watching his DIRECTV Dvr?
Post 2 made on Friday February 16, 2018 at 10:01
Long Time Member
December 2002
For the tv inputs:

When you're creating the activity select the discrete code for the input method instead of one button for cycling through inputs.

I'm doing this on memory so I may not have it all down. I've never had a tv that cycled through inputs like that but I do know it can be aggravating.

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