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Need someone with a Harmony & Pronto to download device and convert to Pronto
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Post 1 made on Friday March 24, 2017 at 11:11
Lurking Member
March 2017
Just purchased a Xiaomi Mi Box ( The unit came with a BlueTooth remote but does support an IR remote as well.

I would like to be able to use my Pronto with the Mi Box. I did a lot of searching for the Pronto hex codes but have been unable to find them. I do see that people have successfully used the Harmony All in One remote to control the Mi Box and they were able to download the the device from the Logitech database (

I dont have a Harmony remote - Can someone with Harmony and a Pronto please download the device from Harmony and then learn the codes on the Pronto and the post the hex codes.

It would be much appreciated.
Post 2 made on Friday March 24, 2017 at 17:33
Active Member
December 2002
Harmony remote is not necessary. JP1 users have all the Xiaomi codes as well. You can use the data at the end of the thread below in IRScrutinizer to generate the pronto hex. You'll need to make sure you've added the Xiaomi protocol in that thread to Protocols.ini before the conversion will work.


If you get stuck, I can convert them for you.
OP | Post 3 made on Saturday March 25, 2017 at 10:05
Lurking Member
March 2017
Thanks for your reply. I downloaded IRScrutinizer last night but have been unable to figure out how to use it to extract the Pronto hex codes.

How do I even begin?
Post 4 made on Sunday March 26, 2017 at 00:27
Select Member
August 2009
Start by using a text editor to modify IrpProtocols.ini by adding the following 3 lines:
irp={36k,290,msb}<2,-2|2,-3|2,-4|2,-5>(1000u,-2,D:8,F:8,C:4,2,^30m)+ {C=(D:4:4^D:4^F:4:4^F:4)} [D:0..255,F:0..255]

Then open IrScrutinizer and go to the Generate tab.  Select Xiaomi protocol, and enter 234 into the D field (except for Power, for which D=60), enter the OBC into the F field, and click the Generate button.

Get the OBCs from this post.  For example, Menu is D = 234, OBC = 4.
0000 0073 0000 000C 0024 0015 0015 0034 0015 002A 0015 002A 0015 002A 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 001F 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 0015 01E0
OP | Post 5 made on Sunday March 26, 2017 at 17:52
Lurking Member
March 2017
Thanks. Got it working.
FYI D=134 (not 234)

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