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Harmony One and Definitive SoloCinema XTR Soundbar
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Post 1 made on Friday November 11, 2016 at 15:56
Long Time Member
January 2005
Does anyone have any experience with the Definitive SoloCinema XTR Soundbar? I have been struggling to get the Harmony One to control it reliably. The problems are only during start-up; once it's up and running the remote does fine. I have set a Power On delay as long as 10 seconds before issuing an Input command but that command is frequently missed. It's also frustrating to wait this long as I like to immediately Mute the device on power-up but I can't do so. I've also tried with a Harmony 880 with the same results.

Tech Support at Definitive did give me new Firmware to try but didn't have any insight on power-up times, etc. other than saying "20-30 seconds". Does anyone know for sure what the power-up delay is, and if there's any other clever programming tricks other than just leaving it powered on all the time.

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