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Hitting help or activity button twice turns off receiver
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Post 1 made on Sunday September 11, 2016 at 18:35
Lurking Member
January 2009
Am I alone in this one? When I hit the Help or if I hit the activity button a second time, it turns off the receiver. Any idea why this might be happening? Receiver is a Pioneer VSX-1124.
Post 2 made on Wednesday September 14, 2016 at 12:48
Active Member
December 2002
I have no idea which Harmony you have, but on some models pressing the activity button twice does nothing, on others it acts the same as Help. When you press Help, it's going to send the opposite command to fix whatever it thinks went wrong. So if a device was on and uses power toggle commands rather than discrete commands, it will turn it off. So what you're seeing is normal. The question is why are you having to do this on a regular basis. You need to correct the root cause (poor LOS, using the OEM remote, etc.).

Other option is to contact logitech support and tell them to add discrete on and off to your Pioneer if possible.

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