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Input switching on it's own
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Post 1 made on Thursday August 18, 2016 at 18:12
Lurking Member
August 2016
I have a Samsung BD-J6300 3D Wi-Fi Blu-Ray Player (2015 Model)
and have an HDMI cable from Blu-ray out to Receiver HDMI DVD in. and a HDMI between Receiver and Top box. The only way I could get sound while watching a DVD was to set the input selection to "CD". OK, so I reprogrammed my Logitech Harmony One to direct my receiver to"input CD" instead "input DVD" and it works fine when I first select watch DVD then it automatically changes from CD input back to DVD input. If I hit the help button it changes it back to CD input. So my first question is why do I have to have "input CD" on to watch a DVD with sound (DVD works but without sound), and two, why doe the input switch back to DVD from CD with my Harmony remote?

Post 2 made on Saturday October 29, 2016 at 11:44
Loyal Member
September 2004
On August 18, 2016 at 18:12, gekgraphics said...
I have a Samsung BD-J6300 3D Wi-Fi Blu-Ray Player (2015 Model)
and have an HDMI cable from Blu-ray out to Receiver HDMI DVD in. and a HDMI between Receiver and Top box. The only way I could get sound while watching a DVD was to set the input selection to "CD". OK, so I reprogrammed my Logitech Harmony One to direct my receiver to"input CD" instead "input DVD" and it works fine when I first select watch DVD then it automatically changes from CD input back to DVD input. If I hit the help button it changes it back to CD input. So my first question is why do I have to have "input CD" on to watch a DVD with sound (DVD works but without sound), and two, why doe the input switch back to DVD from CD with my Harmony remote?


Are you using the HDMI and analog audio outs? AVRs look for a digital signal before analog.

Are you using ARC and/or CEC?
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

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