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Harmony Remote - two different Motorola STBs
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Post 1 made on Saturday May 21, 2016 at 19:16
Lurking Member
May 2016
I have two MOTO STBs
DCX3510 M
DCX3416 I
Unfortunately the harmony doesn't distinguish. I.E. When I change channels on one of the devices, channels also change on the other.
The solution would be if I could set-up a different stb that is compatible with one of my MOTO stbs (which I would then delete) BUT not the other.
I have tried several different MOTO stb set-ups but they all still control both of my boxes. Does anyone have any suggestions.
Post 2 made on Tuesday May 24, 2016 at 11:42
Active Member
December 2002
You must have a Harmony hub based remote or some other remote with some sort of addressable IR blasters. All Moto boxes use the same codes. If the cable company could give you a different make (Cisco, Sci Atlanta, etc.), that would also work.

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