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Harmony Ultimate Home vs. the Harmony Elite
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Post 1 made on Monday April 11, 2016 at 17:40
Long Time Member
February 2004
I currently have the Ultimate Home & have never really been happy with it compared to my previous Harmony One even though the Ultimate has RF capabilities. But I've found the Ultimate Home to be sluggish & sometimes has issues with presses on the screen. But it's mostly just slow & sluggish in my opinion. Can anyone who has an Elite that may have had the Ultimate tell me if the Elite is better?

The optimist claims the glass is half full; the pessimist claims it is half empty. An engineer observes that the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
Post 2 made on Friday April 6, 2018 at 17:12
Lurking Member
September 2006
I think the Elite is worst then the Ultimate. The touch screen is very bad and everything is slow (compared to the Ultimate)
Harmony 895, Harmony 1100, Harmony One, Harmony Ultimate, Harmony Elite

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