Okay dear forum members, I'm going to have to bite the bullet and ask you all for some help. I need to enlist the aid of a site/database integrator to help put a backend database management tool on my site [url]
I'm simply unable to spend the time manually scripting the HTML, updating icons, keeping my clients happy at work, and maintaining a semblance of a life at home.
If you would like to donate your time and/or experience to the icon cause, or if you know someone trying to earn their chops by taking on a project like this, please let me know via an email from my site and I'll let you know specifically what I have in mind.
In return I'll offer you a free identity (logo) design or overhaul if you'd like one and- more importantly- web presence on my site. Trust me... I have been swamped with traffic since going live and it has not let up. I've begun receiving requests from around the globe for regional icons and for icons ported to the 8XX and 1000 remotes. With every update I expect an additional spike in traffic.
Please let me know. I'd like to keep this going.
Thanks for your support.
Last edited by squareeyes
on February 13, 2008 22:12.