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Zap2It Cable Channels
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Post 1 made on Saturday December 8, 2001 at 15:03
Bob Ulius
No Longer Registered
Ok, first question:

I have AT&T Broadband in California. Harmony shows my channel lineup, but is missing about 20 channels, some of which I watch often.

I have tried manually editing the xml to add these channels, but it will not "take" because I do not know the ChannelId numbers. And empty ChannelId tag, or phony ChannelId tag will not work.

I have the channel number and names, of course, but is there anywhere to get the ChannelId numbers? I emailed Zap2It and they did not reply. Harmony has not updated their channel lineups since I started with this remote several months ago. Or, is there another way to skin this cat?

On one more note, is anyone having problems with Direct Channel Entry? If I enter any channel between 200- and 299, it changes to 400-499, always adding 200 to my choice. Every other number works fine. Very curious.

Post 2 made on Sunday December 9, 2001 at 02:18
Eric Warnke
Founding Member
December 2001
I have done this on several occasions. I use the channel number for the channel ID and it works fine. It does not get the lineup info, but that's to be expected.

I believe the channel ID numbers are just unique identifiers for each itel within your profile. I can't be sure but I beleive there is not real use for them.

As for the +200 thing, have you tried updating your tuner ( tv, cable box, ... ) IR language for your actual +100 button? Mabye it just has it wrong.
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday December 9, 2001 at 11:30
Bob Ulius
No Longer Registered
My thought was that the ChannelID number was what provides the listing information. So it would be nice to have if that is the case.

My Cable Box does not have a plus 100 button. Channels are 3 digit entry fom 001 to 999. EVERYTHING else works fine, for example 300-399, 400-499, etc, EXCEPT 200-299 which adds 200 to my input giving me 400-499.

I figure it has to be in the Harmony code.

Post 4 made on Wednesday December 19, 2001 at 19:10
Bob Ulius
Founding Member
October 2001
Had to report about ChannelId's. My AT&T Broadband channel line-up on Harmony was missing about a dozen or so channels. I actually found out today that about 30 more had changed their channel numbers.

I tried in vain to add the missing channels and kept stumbling over the missing ChannelId number the xml requires to add the channel. I tired no number, no tags, a dummy number channelid, etc. Nothing worked.

Today I found that if I go to, enter my zip code and select my service (AT&T Broadband Digital), then check current channel listings, then HOVER the channel number and name, the channelid appears in the task (status) bar of my browser.And guess what? The channelid numbers work.

However, I still do not have program listings or paging arrows in my My Watch Television Only activity (which I created to use the TV without the sound system)and the Record Cable activity still has too many scroll arrows and shows ALL channels, including hidden channels. This needs to be corrected in both cases.

But, I have more forward movement and learned something new today.


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