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DVD's from EBay/Korea???
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Post 1 made on Saturday September 12, 2009 at 21:38
Founding Member
October 2001
Hi All: Anyone know the story with these disks? They say they are legit, produced with license, is this true? Is the A/V quality good?
Thanks, KDM
!!Stand for America!!
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Post 2 made on Monday September 14, 2009 at 23:34
Daniel Tonks
Wrangler of Remotes
October 1998
Seems rather unlikely. Maybe licensed for sale in Korea or region 3, but certainly not elsewhere. And the quality is likely lower than region 1 releases.
OP | Post 3 made on Thursday September 17, 2009 at 17:08
Founding Member
October 2001
Dan: I bought one (Five Fingers w/ James Mason). I seems fine as far as picture and sound goes. It plays on my region 1 player. No liner notes but I don't know if they come with other versions of this movie. I would not buy it if I knew for certain it was unlicensed or otherwise not ligit but they are sold out in the open on EBay so would that not be possible if they were bogus?
!!Stand for America!!
Support Western Civilization
Post 4 made on Saturday December 12, 2009 at 15:58
Long Time Member
November 2009
On December 1, 2009 at 00:48, allisa said...
Dude, DVD;s for different countries have different region codes. That way a DVD intended for sale in Europe can't be played in a DVD player in the USA. Studios do that because they have different release dates in different countries.

It more likely has to do with the fact a disk costs $2.50 to produce, the studio sells in it different countries based on what the market is willing to pay in that country.  The same disc could sell in Europe for $69, North America for $49, Asia for $29 and South America for $9.  It's easy for me to send $50 to a friend in Bolivia who buys 4 different titles and then mails the discs to me, in North America giving me $196 worth of movies for $50 and reducing the studios profit by $146 and we couldn't have that.

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