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Samsung BD-P1500
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Post 1 made on Friday September 12, 2008 at 08:55
Lurking Member
September 2008
Bought a Samsung BD-P1500 a week ago and set to work on seeing whats available via IR etc...heres what Ive found after going through all 255 codes in the codeset (I have already submitted them to the discrete codes area)

-Port scan on the IP side of things hasnt reported any ports being open etc....I was hoping to control mine this way :(

0000 006D 0000 0027 00AB 00AA 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 00AB 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0015 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 08C9

0000 006D 0000 0027 00AB 00AA 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 00AB 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0015 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 08C9

TEST (Front panel says 'TEST')
0000 006D 0000 0027 00AB 00AA 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 00AB 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0015 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0013 0013 0013 0013 0039 0013 0039 0013 08C9

Had a play with TEST tonight....its seems you give it two digits after pulsing test....heres what 00 > 99 gets you

TEST + 01
'RESET' Open Tray, display software info, reset language settings etc

TEST + 03
Turn on all front panel display chars

TEST + 05
CEC Test

TEST + 09
Test Pattern (toggle)

TEST + 19
AACS: Status
BD+: Status
MAC: Status

TEST + 34
Output Resolutions

TEST + 35
LAN Test (does ping)

TEST + 36
Local Storage Test

Unfortunately the above is all I can seem to get it to do, no discrete power.

Have Fun!

AMX Certified Expert
Post 2 made on Friday October 24, 2008 at 01:07
Long Time Member
December 2003
Not sure why Samsung doesn't provide discrete codes for on/off? For gosh sakes, this should be standard these days. They do provide them for their display devices! Had to use the old Play/Power combo. Crazy. SJ

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