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Xfinity clients with customer owned modems...
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Post 1 made on Friday August 2, 2024 at 16:38
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
You might have read my previous thread, but if you haven't. Here is the short version with the links and such.

Xfinity is rolling out a "Next Gen Internet" or "10G Internet". They are basically the same thing. They advertise upload speeds of 100Mbps or more. Unfortunately there are only a select few modems that are on Their approved list. Just because the modem is capable of those upload speeds, doesn't mean they are on that higher speed approved list.

To make it even more fun. That list are different for each Head End unit. In my current town, group A of modems work. While in a town 15 miles north of me uses group B of modems. Albeit only 1 modem was different. But could make the difference.


Then at the bottom is a link to an updated list of modems "including next generation speed tiers."

Post 2 made on Saturday August 3, 2024 at 10:12
Loyal Member
September 2004
On August 2, 2024 at 16:38, King of typos said...
You might have read my previous thread, but if you haven't. Here is the short version with the links and such.

Xfinity is rolling out a "Next Gen Internet" or "10G Internet". They are basically the same thing. They advertise upload speeds of 100Mbps or more. Unfortunately there are only a select few modems that are on Their approved list. Just because the modem is capable of those upload speeds, doesn't mean they are on that higher speed approved list.

To make it even more fun. That list are different for each Head End unit. In my current town, group A of modems work. While in a town 15 miles north of me uses group B of modems. Albeit only 1 modem was different. But could make the difference.


Then at the bottom is a link to an updated list of modems "including next generation speed tiers."


Spectrum was called for network speed and consistency problems by the husband of a customer where I had installed a structured wiring enclosure and until he called them, I didn't know they were having problems. If I had, I would have recommended unplugging the model and router.

Zippy the service tech (from Spectrum) replaced the modem, stating that Spectrum is upgrading their plant and some version of DocSis 4 is on its way, so he wanted to be proactive. I was told that he rebooted everything and it was better after he left, then it went to crap again. The next service tech found some problems that were caused by Zippy, who seemed to have a single focus- undo what had been done before and ending the fact that the system had been truly 'Plug N Play' WRT cable and network connection changes before he showed up.

Anyway, it turned out that unplugging the modem and router first would have cured ALL of the problems but at least they have a current modem- the old one was there for a long time.

I guess one company uses whatever works on different segments of their network, possibly based on the old companies that installed areas that were purchased by a larger ISP.
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
Post 3 made on Saturday August 3, 2024 at 12:44
Loyal Member
May 2002
In related customer owned modem news, I upgraded a six year old Arris modem and Eero mesh Wi-Fi system to newer models. Homeowner had guests last month that caused them to go over on their data. Most services do not have data caps nowadays. Found out that with an Xfinity supplied gateway you can have unlimited data, for $15 a month of course. Customer owned modem? There are data caps.
OP | Post 4 made on Saturday August 3, 2024 at 15:31
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
On August 3, 2024 at 12:44, tomciara said...
In related customer owned modem news, I upgraded a six year old Arris modem and Eero mesh Wi-Fi system to newer models. Homeowner had guests last month that caused them to go over on their data. Most services do not have data caps nowadays. Found out that with an Xfinity supplied gateway you can have unlimited data, for $15 a month of course. Customer owned modem? There are data caps.

From what I see, it's a 1.2TB data cap. So what the heck were those guest doing?

At least I am in an area where there isn't a data cap for Xfinity.

Post 5 made on Sunday August 4, 2024 at 08:26
Loyal Member
May 2002
1.2 seems enough for anyone!
Post 6 made on Sunday August 4, 2024 at 11:07
Active Member
July 2008
With streaming video services, I can see that 1.2TB limit being surpassed fairly easily, especially if there are multiple devices in the home active at the same time. 8 hours of HD video a day is ~600GB for the month. That's for one device / screen.
Post 7 made on Sunday August 4, 2024 at 13:29
Brad Humphrey
Super Member
February 2004
With only me, the wife, and 1 of the kids that still lives at home; we go over 1TB often for the month.

I monitor a lot of client's homes and I see them going over 1TB often as well. One client that has a large family living at their residence and many guest stopping by for the day - has gone over 2TB on more than 1 occasion.

In this day & age, 1TB of data doesn't go near as far as some of you are thinking.
OP | Post 8 made on Tuesday August 6, 2024 at 15:10
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
I have a friend who's been paying for 2Gbps down and 200Mbps up for several months. And Xfinity kept on telling him that the upgrade is "coming" to his area.

But he's been 800 down and 35 up. On Sunday I took my modem over to see if I can get my speeds there. Immediately it went to my package of 500 down and 100 up. So he buy the same modem and installed it today. And immediately his speeds went to 2Gbps down and 200Mbps up.

So it took an other customer to make things right. Sad how Xfinity won't train their employees correctly. I must've talked with 15 different people and it was me who ended up finding my own solution.

Post 9 made on Friday August 9, 2024 at 13:06
Long Time Member
June 2007
Comcast's CXI program is a godsend. If you work in a Comcast area look it up. Almost no wait times on calls, and the techs you talk to know what they are talking about.
OP | Post 10 made on Friday August 9, 2024 at 16:25
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
On August 9, 2024 at 13:06, wildulmer said...
Comcast's CXI program is a godsend. If you work in a Comcast area look it up. Almost no wait times on calls, and the techs you talk to know what they are talking about.

I am fully aware of them from this site. 😊 But I don't have a business in this field. I just work on us navy submarines. Far more complex than Comcast, in it's way.


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