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Cellphone booster
This thread has 17 replies. Displaying posts 16 through 18.
Post 16 made on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 14:05
King of typos
Loyal Member
June 2002
On July 31, 2024 at 10:29, highfigh said...
The only micro-cells I was somewhat familiar with were the ATT and T-Mobile and I never heard glowing reports about either of them. The T-Mobile needed to be close to a window and in that house, the Wilson didn't work, either- surrounded by tall trees, at a bluff overlooking Lake Michigan so the signal came from the other side, the village didn't want more cell towers and the house is definitely not RF friendly.

Fortunately for this customer, she was elected to the village board and after she told me that many residents commented on the poor cell phone performance (I explained what NIMBY means), she understood and they now have a new-ish tower on village property.

There must be some disconnect between us. Yes, this micro-tower is specific to a carrier. From what I've heard in the past ATT was locked into only phone numbers that the account holder allowed. But that was over 10 years ago, I think they might have opened that up to anyone.

Verizon, which is the carrier I have and I also have a micro tower. It has been opened to anyone since I received it 5 years ago.

Both connect to my Internet for communication between it and ATT/Verizon. Both also needs a view to the sky, not for the regular towers but for GPS. The ATT micro tower my old landlord had, it had to be near a window. The Verizon unit that I have. Actually can be hidden as it has a 30 foot cable with a small antenna box at the end. Which that would need a view of the sky.

Both needs to have the street address for where it's located for 911 services. Even though GPS is available, not sure why though for backup maybe?

There is no need for an ATT or Verizon regular tower near by. There could be NO signal whatsoever. Just as long there is internet at the house.

I had used mine for the fact that my place was below ground level for the most part. And it worked perfectly. Sure I could've used wifi calling, but I would have to remember to turn cell off otherwise my battery would die as it was constantly looking for a tower.

Post 17 made on Wednesday July 31, 2024 at 14:22
Select Member
September 2009
I have installed cheap boosters to super expensive Wilson systems that cover all bands. Not a single instance where the customer was super happy. None. They all suck to some degree.

The best option is the femtocell products from the provider the customer uses. Unless we are talking about a 5k sqft house or more. In which case you are back to the super expensive Wilson system and temper customer expectations to barely above non-usable.
Post 18 made on Thursday August 1, 2024 at 08:03
Loyal Member
September 2004
On July 31, 2024 at 14:05, King of typos said...
There must be some disconnect between us. Yes, this micro-tower is specific to a carrier. From what I've heard in the past ATT was locked into only phone numbers that the account holder allowed. But that was over 10 years ago, I think they might have opened that up to anyone.

Verizon, which is the carrier I have and I also have a micro tower. It has been opened to anyone since I received it 5 years ago.

Both connect to my Internet for communication between it and ATT/Verizon. Both also needs a view to the sky, not for the regular towers but for GPS. The ATT micro tower my old landlord had, it had to be near a window. The Verizon unit that I have. Actually can be hidden as it has a 30 foot cable with a small antenna box at the end. Which that would need a view of the sky.

Both needs to have the street address for where it's located for 911 services. Even though GPS is available, not sure why though for backup maybe?

There is no need for an ATT or Verizon regular tower near by. There could be NO signal whatsoever. Just as long there is internet at the house.

I had used mine for the fact that my place was below ground level for the most part. And it worked perfectly. Sure I could've used wifi calling, but I would have to remember to turn cell off otherwise my battery would die as it was constantly looking for a tower.


You posted a brand and model for a NETWORK device, the OP asked about cellular boosters. That piece, as it is shown in your post, is "Samsung Verizon SCS-2U01 Wireless Network Extender Signal Booster"- seems like it's just an AP, but as mentioned in the beginning, WiFi calling should work. If the WiFi range isn't good, this could help, assuming the client is a Verizon customer.

I saw nothing in the manual about creating cellular frequencies and cell phones are nothing like cordless phones, where they could be 900MHz, 2.4GHz, etc- there's a helluva lot more going on when making a cell phone call- micro-cells send the transmission to the cell system via the internet, then the first cell site re-transmits it on the cell system.
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
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