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Does 9600 support Timers in macros?
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Post 1 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 16:33
Long Time Member
September 2004
Let me explain:
let's assume that you have a piece of equipment that takes a specific time to start-up (a projector or a scaler for example) and that you want to watch a movie.

In order to write a macro that turns everything on and sets the correct input of the projector (or scaler), you have to set a long delay in the macro and wait for the projector to turn on. But the problem with this solution is that while the macro is executing the DELAY command, you can't press any other button (such as light control or other settings).

Another better solution would be a TIMER in a Macro which means that you instruct the Pronto to fire a command after a specific delay while the macro ends and you get the full control of the remote.

So, for example, the macro would look like:
Link To: DVD-ON
Timer: 60 seconds / SCALER-INPUT-SDI1
Timer: 90 seconds / PROJECTOR-INPUT-DVI

What happens is that at the end of the macro you get immediately full control of the remote and after 60 seconds the remote sends the command to set the input of the scaler and after 90 seconds it sends the command to the projector.

Nice, eh?

(This is very similar to the TIMER Control in Visual Basic).

Now the questions:

1. Is it supported in the 9600?
2. Will it ever be supported?
3. Is it a good idea that could be suggested to the Pronto team?

Post 2 made on Monday November 6, 2006 at 19:56
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
1. Neither the timer you mention or Time of Day Timers Like the ones on the NG are are supported.

2. Support for TOD Timers is doubtful on the 9600

3. You can always ask for this new multi-threaded feature. But I highly doubt you will get a "Yes we can do it". Why? Simply because you are asking for 2 background threads to execute and then obtain a resource (IR xmitter) to send a signal and let the user do something else while your timer actions execute. To do something like this would completely circumnavigate the 'pressed' button image that so many bitched/complained about in the NG line.

From your description, I see this as a user perception issue that you could easily avoid by putting in some "Working..." animation screens. For what it's worth, build in the delays and put some animation around it.

Last edited by Lyndel McGee on November 6, 2006 20:03.
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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