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App like Pronto Edit Software
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Post 1 made on Friday September 1, 2017 at 17:35
Lurking Member
December 2003
I've been using pronto remotes for years but would like to migrate to a phone or tablet. I've looked at some of the apps out there and none seem to be as fully customizable as the pronto software allows. Anyone have ideas on a replacement that still allows me to design the screens, macros, icons, etc?
Post 2 made on Thursday November 9, 2017 at 15:31
Barry Gordon
Founding Member
August 2001
Look at CommandFusion's product iViewer and their companion guiDesigner. iViewer is the run-time and runs on iPads, iPhone and Androids. GuiDesigner is the development environment (think Pronto Edit). The product is based on the Google V8 Javascript engine. If you were using prontoScript it should be easy to get aboard.

I have been able to do anything I want because of the product being based on Javascript. Although they have a "native" system which does not require Javascript knowledge, the possibilities become endless once you decide to go the Javascript route.

Aside from voice control (Amazon echo's) my homes GUI is wall mounted iPads running iViewer. The central control computer as a Raspberry PI.

The command Fusion product is well documented, and is supported by a good responsive forum for help.
Post 3 made on Friday April 6, 2018 at 21:57
Long Time Member
July 2008
Like a number of Pronto refugees, I've also primarily used CommandFusion for a while now, (for all the things I used a Pronto for and more), although I still keep my Prontos arround, as there is still no beating hard buttons.

I case anyone is interested in other alternatives, I'd also recommend having a serious look at The Home Remote (

There is a similar Designer desktop application (which gets [auto] updated very frequently - ie sometimes a couple of times a week) and run time apps for iOS, Android and Windows UWP (even including Windows phone [RIP] and XBox), as well a fully functioning simulator (for all platforms) in the desktop Designer app.

It seems to have been initially built primarily to support RESTful / web type interfaces (which are a lot more common in modern devices now), but after some requests from users, the author has added TCP/IP support, with full JavaScript support, event triggers, etc.

Some of the paradigms are a bit different, so it may take a while to get your head around, but there is an active community and the developer (Bill) is very helpful with any problems. One challenging issue is that the rapid development has markedly outstripped the documentation, although a lot of the formatting, Regex, Javascript and concepts are very Microsoft centric (which is fine as they are well documented in MS developer info). Management of the graphical assets can get a bit labour intensive (ie nothing really like the Galleries in Pronto or CommandFusion yet), but is still very flexible, more like what you see in MS Visual Studio, and conceptually supports grid based layouts for adaptibility between different device screen sizes.

Since the TCP/IP and JavaScript support was added, I've been able to replicate anything I had done on other platforms with this. There is also "canned" autoconfiguration support for lots of devices, with more getting added all the time (although I've never actually used this). There is also support for the various voice control APIs on the different platforms.

With the working simulator, client apps for ALL platforms, and at the current attractive price of FREE, I think this is really another one to watch and I'm hoping it succeeds.
Post 4 made on Friday March 22, 2024 at 13:17
Regular Member
June 2020
I have used the HomeRemote but primarily used DemoPad for years, I came from iRule. I feel the HomeRmote has more flexibility for you can write your own drivers which you also can do with Homeseer. I played around with Homeseer, for the 30 days free trial. Seemed promising. For me it's as stated many times the lack of hard buttons.
Post 5 made on Tuesday September 17, 2024 at 19:17
Long Time Member
January 2010
so, with my Pronto RU990 dying by the day (hard buttons failing and generally just wearing out) the question rears its ugly head again....what do I replace it with???

I have looked at the Logitech Harmony series but the screen is too small (we like having 20 TV channel icons on one screen and need them big enough to see), I looked at the Pronto 9600 / 9800 etc but the programming did my head in as it was so difficult to grasp (I never managed it) whereas the RU990 is quite simple... I only have simple macros to power on the TV then the AV system, select TV audio and then dislay the TV channel list

Are there any Android apps that would give the ability of displaying multiple logos on the screen and also the ability for macros etc. like the Proto did
why oh why did they discontinue it...

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